DC Quest - Part 4

digital balance

A. Are you aware of how much you use technology everyday?

B. Can you really listen to music, talk to your friends and do your homework at the same time?

Digital Balance

A. Are you aware of how much you use technology everyday?

This task will take you one week to complete.  You are going to create a 7 day chart that will look at collecting the following data.
1. How many hours you use digital technology each day. This will include things like TV, smartphones, tablets, computers, videogame consoles etc.
2. Tag each instance of using technology as either ‘Creating’ (you used technology for the purpose of creating content) or ‘Consuming’ (you used technology for the purpose of viewing, playing, or simple communication like chat/text).
Summarize the Data from your Weekly Chart

Digital Balance

B. Can you really listen to music, talk to your friends and do your homework at the same time?

Go to the following website and try their task switching activity.

Answer the following questions on paper or digitally.



Complete the quest, by finishing the final digital citizenship project.