Writer’s Boot Camp #1 – Safe Water to Drink?

Today, in class, wclean drinking watere did a Current Events ion the quality of First Nation’s water. Here, we always have access to safe, clean, reliable water, but that’s not the case in many Indigenous communities. Some people might not think this is a huge issue, but if you put yourself in their shoes, you may find that life can be very difficult without clean tap water. So, what if your family was unable to use your tap waterdirty water tap for a year? Well, you would have to spend a lot of time boiling water when when you could be doing other activities. your family would have to buy bottled water instead of drinking straight out of a tap. Most of all, it would make it extremely troublesome to carry out daily tasks including drinking, washing, cooking, watering, showering, or brushing teeth. When you think about it like this, you realize how hard life must be for these Indigenous peoples who are suffering because the government can’t supply safe water to these communities. Hopefully moving forward, the government will keep it’s promise to improve the quality of water to all the different nations of Canada.

Source: Safe Water to Drink. The Vancouver Sun. January 2017 (Link here).

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